Orders have some required fields:

  • external_id
  • created_at
  • domain_id , from your workspace configured Domains
  • subtotal_price , revenue in cents without shipping and taxes (i.e: $105.20 → 10520)
  • total_price , revenue in cents with shipping and taxes (i.e: $187.31 → 18731)

The order item also requires to provide the minimum required user object. This is mandatory to self-heal the dataset if the order is imported into the database before the user profile (out-of-order).

Installed apps might have added additional fields to your orders. These fields are in the format: app_appname_fieldname

	"kind": "order",
		// user with minimum required fields is mandatory:
		"user": {
		"external_id": "user_id",
		"created_at": "2022-10-30T22:21:48.020Z",
		"is_authenticated": true,
		"signed_up_at": "2022-10-30T22:21:48.020Z" // Required if is_authenticated = true
	// then the order item:
  	"order": {
		// REQUIRED fields
		"external_id": "order_id_from_your_database",
		"created_at": "2022-10-30T22:21:48.020Z",
		"domain_id": "website",
		"subtotal_price": 15020, // revenue in cents without shipping & taxes (integer)
		"total_price": 18731, // revenue in cents with shipping & taxes included (integer)

		// optional fields
		"updated_at": "2022-10-30T22:21:48.020Z", // used to control the override of existing order fields
		"currency": "USD", // ISO currency, defaults to workspace settings if not provided
		"cancelled_at": "2022-10-30T22:21:48.020Z", // ISO date of order cancellation
		"cancel_reason": "order returned by customer", // reason of order cancellation
		"discount_codes": ["code1", "code2"...], // array of discount codes. useful to attribute order to influencers with the channels mapping.
		"items": [
			// array of cart items
				// REQUIRED fields
				"external_id": "item_id_from_your_database",
				"name": "Product A",
				"product_external_id": "product_a",
				"price": 12345, // unitary price (integer) in cents (i.e: $105.20 → 10520)
				"quantity": 2,

				// optional fields
				"variant_external_id": "product_a_red",
				"variant_title": "Product A color red",
				"category": "category abc",
				"sku": "XCVBN",
				"brand": "Acme",
				"updated_at": "2022-10-30T22:21:48.020Z", // used to control the override of existing item fields

				// APPs extra columns for order_item
				"app_appname_mystring": "abc",
				"app_appname_mynumber": 123.456
		// APPs extra columns for order
		"app_appname_mystring": "abc",
		"app_appname_mynumber": 123.456