Sessions are like buckets of user interactions (pageviews, cart, order…), and they have a source of trafic (i.e: Facebook, Google, physical store…) that is controlled by the utm_source + utm_medium fields.

Sessions are the building blocks of marketing multi-touch attribution.

When a user place an order on your website, Rimdian will gather all the sessions that contributed to this order to “attribute” them some credits for that conversion.

The session item also requires to provide the minimum required user object. This is mandatory to self-heal the dataset if the session is imported into the database before the user profile (out-of-order).

Installed apps might have added additional fields to your sessions. These fields are in the format: app_appname_fieldname

  	"kind": "session",

	// user with minimum required fields is mandatory:
	"user": {
		"external_id": "user_id",
		"created_at": "2022-10-30T22:21:48.020Z",
		"is_authenticated": true,
		"signed_up_at": "2022-10-30T22:21:48.020Z" // Required if is_authenticated = true

	// then the session object itself:
  	"session": {
		// REQUIRED fields
		"external_id": "session_id",
		"domain_id": "website", // see the configured Domains in your workspace
		"created_at": "2022-10-30T22:21:48.020Z",

		// optional fields
		"updated_at": "2022-10-30T22:21:48.020Z", // used to control the override of existing session fields
		"device_external_id": "xxx", // attach the session to a specific user device
		"timezone": "Europe/Paris", // defaults to workspace timezone if not provided
		"landing_page": "",
		"referrer": "",

		"utm_source": "",
		"utm_medium": "ads",
		"utm_campaign": "christmas",
		"utm_content": "banner1",
		"utm_term": "keyword1",
		"utm_id": "xxx",
		"utm_id_from": "gclid", // gclid / fbclid / rmd

		// APPs extra columns
		"app_appname_mystring": "abc",
		"app_appname_mynumber": 123.456