Users have some required fields:

  • external_id
  • created_at
  • is_authenticated , indicates whether or not the user_id comes from your database
  • signed_up_at , required if is_authenticated is true

For authenticated users, the signed_up_at date field is used to know when the user signed up.

We then compare this date with the created_at field which is the first time this user visited your business (website, app…), to compute its “time-to-conversion”.

When you provide an email address to a user profile, the md5/sha1/sha256 hash are automatically computed, you don’t need to provide them.

Installed apps might have added additional fields to your user profiles. These fields are in the format: app_appname_fieldname

  	"kind": "user",
  	"user": {
		// REQUIRED fields
		"external_id": "user_id",
		"created_at": "2022-10-30T22:21:48.020Z",
		"is_authenticated": true,
		"signed_up_at": "2022-10-30T22:21:48.020Z", // Required if is_authenticated = true

		// optional fields
		"timezone": "Europe/Paris", // ISO timezone, defaults to workspace settings if not provided
		"language": "fr", // ISO language code, defaults to workspace settings if not provided
		"country": "FR", // ISO country code, defaults to workspace settings if not provided
		"consent_all": true, // true if user accepts all consentments
		"consent_personalization": true, // true if user accepts to be tracked individually to activate onsite personalization
		"consent_marketing": true, // true if user accepts marketing targeting
		"latitude": 123.123,
		"longitude": 123.123,
		"first_name": "John",
		"last_name": "Doe",
		"gender": "male", // male or female
		"birthday": "1980-01-01", // YYYY-MM-DD
		"photo_url": "", // URL of the user profile photo
		"email": "",
		"email_md5": "xxxxx", // MD5 hash of the email address
		"email_sha1": "xxxxx", // SHA1 hash of the email address
		"email_sha256": "xxxxx", // SHA256 hash of the email address
		"telephone": "+33601010101", // international E164 format
		"address_line_1": "abc",
		"address_line_2": "abc",
		"city": "Paris",
		"region": "Ile de France",
		"postal_code": "75000",
		"state": "abc",

		// APPs extra columns
		"app_appname_mystring": "abc",
		"app_appname_mynumber": 123.456