
The Affilae tracking technology does not handle user identity resolution & cross-device reconciliation, therefore a significative part of “top of the funnel” affiliate traffic is lost.

Sadly, such traffic is often the most valuable, as it is the first touchpoint of the user with the brand.


The Affilae app allows you to forward the conversions that happen on your website to Affilae after a configurable delay, to allow cross-device reconciliation and properly measure your affiliate traffic.

The Rimdian JS SDK will automatically detect your affiliate traffic and persist the “Affilae click ID” (aecid) in the user’s session. The app will then forward the conversions to Affilae with all the click IDs that contributed to the conversion, allowing Affilae to properly attribute the conversion to the right affiliate.



Install the app

Install the Affilae app in your Rimdian workspace & configure the affiliate programs you want to forward the conversions to.


That's it

The app will periodically send your affiliate conversions to Affilae.

Affilae app in Rimdian