
All the traffic sent by Google Ads to your website is tracked with a gclid URL parameter instead of the classic utm parameters (utm_source / medium / campaign / content / term).

With the absence of utm parameters, you won’t be able to measure the performance of your Google Ads campaigns.


When a user clicks on a Google Ads ad, the gclid parameter is added to the URL. This parameter is automatically collected by Rimdian and stored with each web session.

The app uses the Google Ads API to pull the campaign details for each of the gclid parameters collected, and updates the corresponding web session with the campaign details.



Install the app

Install the Google Ads Clicks app in your Rimdian workspace & connect your Google Ads account.


Google Ads sync

Periodically, the app will sync the gclid parameters with the Google Ads API to pull the campaign details for each of the gclid parameters collected.


Session update

When a gclid parameter is matched, the session utm_source, utm_medium, utm_campaign, utm_content, utm_term are updated with the Google Ads campaign details.


Clicks metadatas

All the clicks metadatas are also stored in a dedicated table (matching keywords, search queries, cpc…) for further analysis.